In Feb 2015 I experienced the worst breakdown, my body was falling apart & I felt like the biggest disappointment for abandoning this mega family holiday to where I was born. I had always hasseled my family for a holiday & here I was aborting at the last minute. I couldn’t face my demons and risk them all seeing me have multiple melt downs & my fear of flying had also gotten worse. Only my husband knew this side of me. Even though I’d flown to so many places before (Europe, hello Coachella 2014) I couldn’t fathom getting on a plane feeling this way. A couple of days before flying out I pulled out. I was exhausted from sleepless...
It’s a beautiful Full Moon tonight lovelies (if we are lucky enough to see it with this weather) and I thought I’d get on here and share a little bit about the Magic of the Full Moon. When the Moon cycle completes and we've come back to a Full Moon it is very common for us to feel anxious, a little edgy or just not quite ourselves. You know that feeling I’m talking about, from a little crazy and frustrated, to full blown raging! Part of this pent up emotion and built up of energy can some times be correlated back to the Moon. We are all connected to the Moon and therefore our emotions are particularly heightened when it reaches capacity. Just...
Welcome to the launch of The Simple Collection blog! Our new lifestyle blog will cover everything from travel pieces, beauty tips, motivation, girlboss tips, summer recipes and our favourite literary finds (both high and low brow). With the warmer months around the corner we'll be covering the simple ways to enjoy the outdoors, Christmas Festivities, summer-time munchies and bevies and how to declutter the home. The Simple Collection is not just a brand, but a philosophy. The goal from its inception has been one of simplicity, beauty, minimalism and doing those things that bring you joy. We at TSC believe these principles of the modern woman can be applied to all areas of life. With this new addition to the...