Excited to be stocking the Crafting Witch latest creation The Spell Journal. An illustrated guide into the realm of spellwork and the art of crafting your very own spells!
The Spell Journal explores the foundations and methods of spellwork, with step-by-step guides, tips, exercises, correspondences, and templates, to inspire you in writing your very own spells!
- A5 size (210 x 148mm / 8.3 x 5.8")
- 200 pages
- 120gsm thick paper
- 2 ribbon bookmarks
- Holographic foil hardcover, spine, and page edges
✦ Foundational Concepts & Principles
- Law of Energetic Attraction
- Law of Cause and Effect
- The Flow of Energy
- Law of Similarity
- Law of Contagion
- Spell Anatomy & Mechanics
✦ How to Write & Cast Your Own Spells
- Refining Goals & Intention Setting
- Choosing Methods & Correspondences
- The Steps of Casting a Spell
- A Start to Finish Example
- Spell Aftercare & Troubleshooting
✦ Crafting Your Own Pre-Spell Ritual
- Creating Your Sacred Space
- Cleansing Methods
- Grounding Methods + Exercises
- Casting Circles, Calling the Quarters
✦ Spell Methods & Techniques
- Word Magick
- Visualisation
- Moving Sunwise
- Candle Magick
- Cord Magick
- Enchanting
- Potions & Elixirs
- Container Spells
- Candle Magick
- Poppet Magick
- Sigil Magick
✦ Correspondences
- Creating Your Own Correspondences
- Daily Solar Phases
- Seasonal Solar Phases
- Days of the Week
- Lunar Phases
- Astrological Energies
- The Elements
- Numerology
- Color Magick
- The Runic Alphabet + Bindrunes
- Crystals
- Herbs
- Misc Ingredients
- Correspondences Sorted by Intention
✦ Spell-writing Templates
- Spell Overview Page: Spell Title, Intention, Corresponding Energies, Timing, Colours, & Elements
- Spell Materials Page: List of Required Materials, Symbols & Sigils
- Directions Page
- Spell Log Page: Time Performed, Variations, Immediate Effects, & Long Term Effects.